An accomplished interpreter of western art music, Sarah Jo Kirsch (they/she) has performed across Canada, in Europe and West Asia as a soloist and collaborator. They have been hailed as " of the finest contemporary dramatic vocalists in Canada today," (Calgary Herald) "...with the ability to get under the skin of everything she sings," (Winnipeg Free Press).
Beyond opera and oratorio, Sarah curates and produces sociopolitically relevant art song experiences of works from the last three centuries. An avid and capable interpreter of new music, they have premiered more than 30 new works for voice by Canadian composers. Chorally, Sarah currently serves as a section leader for the Vancouver Bach Choir family and will join the ranks of Musica Intima for the 2022-23 season.
As a creator/composer, Sarah weaves electroacoustic tapestries inspired by the primally physical nature of resonance. As a pundit, they lecture on the ins and outs of western art music, wholistic programming, and vocal liberation for cultural and educational institutions, on podcasts, and on CiTR 101.9 FM. As a pedagog, they keep a small studio of private students from around the world.
Sarah earned their BMus at the University of Colorado Boulder College of Music and MMus from the University of Manitoba Desautels Faculty of Music. They are also a laureate of the Eckhardt-Gramatté National Music Competition and have received project and commissioning support from the Canada Council for the Arts, the Manitoba Arts Council, the Winnipeg Arts Council, the Women’s Musical Club of Winnipeg and many generous individuals for whom they are deeply grateful.
February 28, 2018 @ Winnipeg Art Gallery
2021 Sarah Jo Kirsch (CAN): Reach out & touch sounds (voice/electronics/video)
2020 Sarah Jo Kirsch: Gasp (voice/electronics)
2019 Sarah Jo Kirsch: Grain of the Voice (voice/electronics)
Andrea O Roberts: Crisis Canon (2 sop, dulcimer, analog synth)
David R Scott: Songs from the Ringelblum Archive (rev: sop, pf, vln, vc; 6 songs)
2018 Michael Matthews: A Star of Solitude (sop, cl/bcl, vla, perc; 6 songs)
2017 Jim Hiscott: Milky Dust of Stars (sop, vc; 3 songs)
David R Scott: Songs from the Ringelblum Archive (sop,ten, pf, vln, vc; 6 songs)
Örjan Sandred: A Ghazal (sop, elec)
John L Greer: A Prairie Boy’s Life (sop, alt, ten, bar, pf4h; concert cycle)
2016 Randolph Peters: Savage Harvest (sop, 2 vln, elec)
Sarah Jo Kirsch (for The Gritty): The Matron Saint of Sirens I & II (sop, elec)
Norbert Palej: Four Songs About Not Being There (sop, alt, ten, ch)
2015 Michael Matthews: Solo queda el desierto (sop, 2fl, 2ob, 2cl, 2bn, 2hn, 2tpt, perc, str; 6 songs)
Hugo Wolf (arr. Matthews): Sechs Mörike-Lieder (sop, 2fl, 2ob, 2cl, 2bn, 2hn, 2tpt, perc, str)
Zach Bales: Morningfall (sop, elec)
Sarah Jo Kirsch (for The Gritty): Norman Delicacy I & II (sop, elec)
2014 Matthew Ricketts: Swallow Songs (sop, pf; 3 songs)
Sid Robinovitch: Kiskatinaw Songs (sop, pf; 6 songs)
Andrew Staniland: Execution Songs (sop, pf)
Jim Hiscott: Al Paradiso (sop, alt, ch)
Luke Nickel: Kyrie (sop, alt, ch)
Aaron Funk (Venetian Snares): Deleted poems (v, str, elec)
Zach Bales: Wintermute (sop, ttb soli, ssaa ch, elec; opera) WINTERMUTE
2013 Sarah Jo Kirsch (for The Gritty): Heathen Synesthete I & II (sop, elec)
2012 Michael Matthews: Out in the Dark (SATB soli, fl, ob, cl, bn, hn, str)
Ilkim Tongur: Hora de Estrellas (sop, pf, tape; 3 songs)
Matthew Ricketts: No Masque for Good Measure (2 sop, ct, ten, fl, cl, vla, pf; opera) DRAG QUEEN 2
2011 Garth Hardy: The Loneliest Badger in the World (sop, ten, bar, vln, vc; opera) MELINDA MOLE/CLOWN
2010 Michael Matthews: Winter Is When (sop, ob, vc,pf, tape)
Richard Festinger: Spring Ice (sop, vln, tape; 7 songs)
Dean Burry: Angela and her sisters (2 sop, 2 mez, pf; opera) DONNA FRANCESCA/MOON
February 25, 2022 @ Sum Gallery, Vancouver
SELECTED REPERTOIRE (alphabetical by composer):
Adès: Five Eliot Landscapes
Babbitt: Du
Baboni-Schilingi: Concubia Nocte
Bach: H-moll Messe, Johannes-Passion, Matthäus-Passion, Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen & various smaller cantatas
Barber: Hermit Songs
Beethoven: Messe C-Dur
Boulez: Le Soleil des eaux
Brahms: Requiem
Britten: Seven Sonnets of Michelangelo
Dvořák: Te Deum, V národním tónu
Debussy: Ariettes oubliées
Fauré: Requiem
Feldman: Rothko Chapel
Gervais: Sensational Revolution in Medicine
Granger: Talk Opera
Handel: Judas Maccabaeus, Messiah
Haydn: Die Schöpfung (German & English)
Kuzmenko: A Voice of Hope
Ligeti (arr. Howarth): Mysteries of the Macabre
Mahler: Symphony no 4
Mozart: Große Messe in c-moll, Exsultate Jubilate, Così fan tutte
Orff: Carmina Burana
Poulenc: Gloria, Fiançailles pour rire, La Courte paille
Reich: Tehillim
Schubert: Mass no 6
Schumann: Frauenliebe und -leben
Tiefenbach: Chansons de mon placard
Uyeda: The First Woman
Vaughan Williams: Dona Nobis Pacem
Viñao: Chant d’ailleurs
Weill: Die Sieben Todsünden (German & English)
Žebeljan: New Songs of Lada